Listings To Leads : Get more leads from your listings!

Turn your listings to leads

This is a in-depth guide on how to turn your listings to leads. Every listing you get is a chance to get not only more listings but, more buyer leads as well. If you follow this guide I promise you’ll start getting more business right away!


First Open House:

Use this as an invite to brokers only.

Don’t notify any of the general public yet.Have it ‘stealth’ before you even put the sign up.

Make an invite list of everyone in your office and leave flyers on their desks / mailboxes. Then go to your local competitors offices and put flyers in their mailboxes as well with invites to your private brokers only open house.

Don’t forget to e-mail the loan officers as well and letting them know about it, a sale can come from anywhere.

The more brokers that get to see the house and evaluate it, the better your chances are of selling it.

Goal: Having a private open house for realtors only on a grand scale. 

Before The Open Houses :

Start hosting as many open houses the seller will allow right away.

Once you get the open house date you’re going to want to make flyers. Why?

Because you’re going to need to door knock everyone neighbor within 100 houses and personally invite them with a flyer.

Use the flyer as an opener to the conversation

*Knock knock*

“Hi, I’m Andrew from Prudential. I am selling a house down the street and I just wanted to personally invite you and give you a flyer”

-After this don’t be so quick to run away, see if they have any questions.  Even if they don’t, they are interested in what their direct local market is doing so feel free to insert another conversation piece about that. Build rapport, and get them to show up.

Don’t ask them for anything yet unless they offer or it comes naturally. If they ASK for some more information, get their contact information (as much as you are comfortable asking for) and go from there BUT,

Focus on making sure they get to the open house.

Goal: Get leads from  your neighbors for more sellers and buyers.

The Open House:

Get a sign up sheet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make it short and get their name and e-mail minimum. Any extra and you get brownie points.

Goal: Grab as many e-mails and as much contact information as possible. This is your gold.

Listing Flyers:

Put a flyer box on your sign.

Then every time you look at it give it a kiss because every flyer gets taken is someone in the world with one of your flyers.

Let me repeat that: Someone is literally grabbing your contact information

This is why you want a great flyer. When someone gets one of your flyers you want to give them the best most professional self you can be. Without a great design you could be using more leads

Use a site like real estate flyers

Post on Facebook / social media:

Next share this flyer on all your social media outlets.

Your next buyer can be from anywhere, including social media.

Make sure it’s a great designed flyer for reasons stated above.

Add all e-mails to your newsletter:

mailchimp logo

Create a newsletter that you stay in contact with all your customers on every month. This can be completely automatic with a tool such as

(We will be creating a guide how to do this soon)

On top of putting them on a newsletter which keeps you in contact with them every month. Actually send them a personal e-mail.

Look at your clients as building relationships with someone.

You can’t build a great relationship on autopilot. You have to put some work into it, so e-mail them personally with anything you want. Just start a conversation and start the relationship building. After you build a strong relationship with them ask for their business.

Once you get it you will have a friend and client for life.

And don’t forget to congratulate yourself and through a party. Send us a invite and I’ll bring the champagne!

Listings to leads presented by – Create real estate flyers online easily.

Listing to leads !

2 thoughts on “Listings To Leads : Get more leads from your listings!”

  1. These are great tips. One thing I do is to hire a professional photographer for my listings. I’ve found a local photographer and the pictures he takes are so much better than what I can do, it’s a bit embarrassing. But I know my limits, and when I’m going to use the photos on postcards and flyers, I want the house to look amazing. When I use a professional photographer, the homes sell so much faster. The last two didn’t last a week on the market.

    • Hi Nicole,
      Thanks for the insight ! You’re totally right, having a good relationship with a photographer is another big part of your real estate business! You’re selling someones house and NEED it to look it’s absolute best!!!


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