Comment spam
Not only is this not a good way to build backlinks and can actually hurt your websites SEO with Googles new update but, it’s just annoying.
Promoting listings in irrelevant conversations
Chances are were not even in your area and most likely don’t have a buyer looking in that area. You’re wasting our time and your clients most likely wouldn’t approve of it either.
Promoting services for no reason
What? How did you get my e-mail? And you have no unsubscribe button anywhere?!?
Trying to guest post purely for SEO reasons
We work hard to obtain an audience and when you offer us self-promotion garbage that doesn’t even make sense…. Stay away…
Cold direct messaging me on any social network
This can work but, get to know me first. If the first message I ever see is you telling me your ‘offer’… I’m not interested
Using auto responders
We know it’s an auto responder and even though you said ‘Thank You’, it doesn’t mean anything.
Auto Retweeters
You almost tricked me, then I saw your Twitter only consists of Retweets….. Now I’m going to label you as a spammer and never use your services… Ever
Your newsletter sucks
I signed up for information on something, instead I got listings ?
Forum Spam
Wait…So, you literally have no interest in this forum at all and your first post is advertising your services?
Hope you enjoyed the post!
(ps here is a list of real estate flyer templates )